Getting to Know Noni- The Super Fruit You've Never Heard Of (But Should Really Meet)

Getting to Know Noni- The Super Fruit You've Never Heard Of (But Should Really Meet)

Sure, those blueberries, kiwis and bananas you buy every week at the store are good for you. But how long has it been since you got adventurous and brightened up your fruit rotation? We’re going to guess quite a while. In a recent article, featured five under-appreciated super fruits that most people don’t have on their counters or in their refrigerators. One of these is Noni, which looks like a knobbly green or yellowish hand grenade and certainly packs an explosive punch when it comes to nutrient density. An established favorite in its whole fruit form in its native Asia, Australasia and the Pacific Islands, you’ve probably only seen Noni in juice at a health food store, if at all. We could write a couple of thousand words on its benefits, but to summarize, Noni can help: Reduce inflammation and cancer risk: Noni attacks free radicals with its unique blend of antioxidants. In addition to reducing the inflammation that causes post-workout soreness, these and Noni’s nitric oxide-stimulating compounds and polysaccharides can also inhibit tumor formation. In addition, the polysaccharides help reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels. Boost immune system function: Researchers have found that Noni kicks microphages, a type of blood cell which is an important part of your immune system, into high gear, helping you get sick less often. Improve nutrient absorption: Famed biochemist Dr. Ralph Heinicke discovered that Noni contains high levels of proxeronine, which helps the body process protein correctly and may aid in cell repair. Prevent infections: Noni has several unique anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, including scopoletin, terpenes and anthraquinones, that help your body fight off infections before they take hold. Take away headaches: In Tahiti and the other countries where it grows, Noni is often referred to as “The Painkiller Tree” because of its analgesic ability to treat headaches and migraines. The key is Noni’s serotonin-boosting phytonutrients, which can also alleviate depression. Noni is just one of more than 10 super foods we put into every serving of UB Super. As with all our ingredients, we source directly from small scale providers, so you have peace of mind knowing you’re getting the best quality organic Noni that helps farmers make a living with fair prices. In the coming weeks, we’re going to explain more about the benefits of camu camu, cupuaçu and the other superfoods in UB Super. Stay tuned! - Phil White
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